Variegated Rubber Plant Varieties

Variegated rubber plant varieties
The Ficus elastica Tineke and Ficus elastica Ruby are two different varieties of the Variegated Rubber Tree. The biggest difference between these two is color! The Tineke has mainly light and dark green leaves with tan or creamy edges. Tineke plants typically have a pink hue to their stems.
What is the best variety of rubber plant?
Ficus elastica 'Tineke' is undoubtedly one of the best-looking rubber plant varieties to add to your houseplant collection. Its distinctive variegated foliage comes in varied shades of green and cream, and even some pink in the younger leaves.
Are variegated rubber plants rare?
Around here, we're huge fans of the variegated fiddle leaf fig, or ficus lyrata variegata. However, these trees are extremely rare, expensive, and difficult to care for.
What is the difference between Tineke and Ruby rubber plant?
The primary difference between the two is the color of the leaves. 'Tineke' features beautiful variegated foliage in green and off-white with pink veins. The new growth shows a pink tint that lightens over time. The leaves of ruby have variegated cream, green, and brilliant red or pink hue.
What is the difference between rubber plant Robusta and Decora?
Ficus elastica “Decora” Only slightly different from “Robusta,” this cultivar has wider and larger dark-green leaves. The center vein of the leaves is red underneath and slightly white on top. The casing around the new leaves is also deep red.
What is the difference between Ficus tineke and Elastica?
The main difference between Ficus elastica 'Tineke' and Ficus elastica 'Ruby Red' is their leaf color. Ficus Ruby Red has green, light green, and pink/red-ish variegation as opposed to the cream and green variegation on a Tineke.
How long do rubber plants live?
Rubber tree plants can live for many years. In the wild, some rubber plant species have been known to live for more than 100 years routinely. A rubber plant may live 10 years or longer when grown as an indoor houseplant.
What is the rare rubber plant?
The Ficus Elastica Ruby, also known as a variegated Rubber tree, is native to tropical regions of India and Malaysia. Its care is similar to that of the Rubber Tree, however its unique Tri-colored variegation requires brighter light conditions than the Burgundy variety to keep the colors strong and defined.
Where should a rubber plant be placed in a house?
Rubber plants like bright light and a lot of it, but not direct sunlight. A sunny spot shielded by a sheer curtain is often perfect for rubber plants. You can tell if your rubber plant needs more light if it becomes leggy, its leaves lose their luster, and lower leaves fall off.
What is the most expensive variegated plant?
1. Variegated Monstera Varieties. Among plant collectors, variegated Monsteras are well regarded as status symbols. This is one of the most expensive houseplants, and you might be surprised to learn that an Adansonii Variegata sold for $38,000 and was the most expensive ever.
How do I get more variegation in my rubber plant?
Variegated Rubber Trees like well lit spots with indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, it burns the leaves of the Variegated Rubber Tree. Do not place a Variegated Rubber Tree in shade, it will lose the variegated markings. Ideal lighting for a Variegated Rubber Tree is a sunny spot shielded by a sheer curtain.
Why are variegated plants so expensive?
Essentially variegated plants have less surface area to photosynthesise with and produce the sugars they need for growth and repair, hence they usually need more light compared to entirely green plants and typically grow much, much slower. This is the basis of why they are currently so sought after and pricy!
Why is my tineke turning pink?
Ficus tineke turning pink may be caused by more indirect light. Where to buy Ficus Tineke? Ficus tineke is a must-have, because not only do they provide a fresh decorative plant at home, but they can also purify the air you breathe!
How do I make my Ruby rubber plant pink?
If the leaves are pale or not that “pink”, this could be a sign of the plant not getting enough light or warmth. Pink Rubber Trees, like most ficus, do not like changes in temperature or cold drafts. They also do best with loads of bright indirect light.
Are Ficus Tineke rare?
Ficus Elastica 'Tineke' , is new variety and is a rare beauty. This plant has big, rubber-like variegated leaves that are green, white and pink.. A spectacular indoor pot plant or outdoor canopy tree.
What is the difference between Belize rubber plant and ruby?
The only difference is the Ruby requires brighter light conditions to keep its unique pink, wihte, and green tri-color foliage looking bright and defined. With diligent care, patience and fertilizer, this gem can grow into a fully formed tree, or be pruned back to keep its small stature.
What is the pink rubber plant called?
The Ficus Elastica Ruby, also known as a variegated Rubber tree, is native to tropical regions of India and Malaysia. Its care is similar to that of the Rubber Tree, however its unique tri-colored variegation requires brighter light conditions than the Burgundy variety to keep the colors strong and defined.
What is pink rubber plant called?
Native to tropical regions of India and Malaysia, Ficus Ruby Pink is a hardy, vibrant evergreen plant with red-pink and white variegation. Care is similar to other rubber plants, but the variegation requires more light than the 'Burgundy' variety. It won't do well in low light spaces, so place in bright indirect light.
Why is my Ficus elastica ruby not red?
If the leaves of your Ficus elastica Ruby are reverting to plain green, it's not getting enough sun. Move it to a brighter spot to restore its variegation. On the other hand, if the leaves are starting to look a bit brown and crisp, they're getting too much sun. Find a shadier spot for your Ficus elastica Ruby.
Where should I place my Ficus Tineke?
Place it in a spot with moderate temperatures between 60–80 degrees and away from vents, cold drafts, and dry heat. The Tineke gets its gorgeous colors from living in bright lighting conditions.
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